DGQT is Recruiting* for the 2024-25 Academic Year!
*We’re also application-free!
To read more about our recruitment process, see our About page.
Meet with us!

Student Activities Resource Fair
Friday, October 4th
3:00pm – 5:30pm CT
Main Quad

Info Session #1
Tuesday, October 8th
6:30pm – 7:30pm
Stuart 102

Info Session #2
Thursday, October 10th
8:00pm – 9:00pm
Stuart 102

First Meeting
Wednesday, October 16th
8:00pm – 9:00pm
Stuart 101
What makes DGQT stand out from all the other RSOs on campus?
We believe DGQT stands out due to our commitment to giving everyone the opportunity to learn about the field of quantitative finance, regardless of their background and interests. Rather than a one-time curriculum, multi-year members are encouraged to stay and utilize the cohort system to dive into an interesting subtopic or lead their own cohort. Furthermore, our application-free curriculum allows for students of all backgrounds to understand what quantitative finance is before committing themselves to it. To read more about our unique curriculum and recruitment process, see our About page and the below FAQ.
Why did DGQT decide to forgo traditional recruiting?
By opening our fall curriculum to all students, we hope to give each and every student the opportunity to learn and decide if the field of quant finance is right for them. Additionally, we believe that this extended time with prospective members will allow us to build a larger and more supportive community for this field. Overall a win-win for everyone.
What is a derivative?
Great question! Rather than the mathematical derivative in calculus, we’re referring to a financial derivatives. The textbook definition of a financial derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance of an underlying entity (typical examples of derivatives are futures and options). What this means is that derivatives end up being more complex and interesting to price and analyze, which is why we study them.
When can new members join DGQT?
DGQT only recruits during the Autumn quarter. If you’d like to see more of our timeline for the 2024-25 academic year, check out our About page.
What makes up an ideal new member?
We don’t have any requirements for what year of school you have to be in or what field you’re planning to major in—in fact, we pride ourselves in our ability to support all students (regardless of their future paths, whether it’s industry, academia, or otherwise) through our cohort system. What really matters is your passion for the subject and commitment to the organization.
If I have more questions, what’s the best way to ask?
Contact us at our Contact page or at derivativesgroupboard@gmail.com.